EPBF – European Pocket Billiard Federation
EC – European Championship
WPA – World Pool-Billiard Association
WC – World Championship
WCBS – World Confederation of Billiard Sports
WADA – World Anti-doping Agency
NF – National Federation
SD – Sports Director
TL – Tournament Leader
HR – Head Referee
TML – Team Leader
DKO – Double Knock-out elimination
SKO – Single Knock-out elimination
Frequently used Terms
National Federation/Association– A National pool-billiard federation which is a member of the EPBF
Sports Director – EPBF Board member in charge of sportive matters
Tournament Leader – The person that is responsible for the running of an event
Team Leader – Appointed leader of the NF at the EC
Division – Women, Men, U17, U19, U23, Girls, Seniors, Ladies.
Discipline – Playing rule 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball and 14.1
Race – Number of points at which a match is won
Rack – Single frame of 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball
Match – Consists of games played to a certain race
Time-out – A Break during a match
Score – The comparison of the scored points between two opponents
Double Elimination – A knockout format with a winner’s and a loser’s bracket
Single Elimination – A knockout format with only a winner’s bracket
The EPBF is European umbrella organization, which is in charge of all pocket billiard disciplines and types of games that are not to be seen as belonging to snooker games. The EPBF is therefore expressly in charge of games:
- American Pool with the disciplines 8-Ball, 9-Ball, Straight-Pool and 10-ball.
- English Pool (Black Ball)
- Pyramid
The EPBF Sports Regulations are ruling the sporting activities for:
- European Championships (hereinafter known as EC)
- Continental Events
The Sports Regulations are valid for all NF’s that are members of the EPBF and are automatically accepted by them. Only one NF from within one and the same nation can be accepted as a member. Other federations, not belonging to the EPBF, are viewed as outside organizations where pocket billiards within Europe is concerned.
Events or matches between EPBF member organizations and their members/athletes, and outside organizations are not allowed. Exceptions are only possible if based upon an EPBF board decision.
The EPBF is a member of the World Pool Billiard Association (hereinafter known as WPA). This rule is also valid for outside organizations of other federations that are not recognized by the WPA. Hereby the WPA board must accept exceptions to this rule.
The Sports Regulations is in its general part, ruling over the framework of the sporting activities of the EPBF and the NFs. The NFs are then determining a sports order for their own sports activities, which is not allowed to include rules that are deemed more restrictive.
In the special part, the Sports Regulations is ruling upon details of the sporting activities of the EPBF, and lists all necessary regulations that must be kept in order to ensure proper realization of such.
The Sports Regulations are being prepared, altered and amended by the EPBF Sports Director and come into force upon the acceptance of the EPBF board.
General Guidelines for the Sporting Activities
§ 1.1 Official Language
If it comes to discrepancies with the translation, then the English version of the Rules and the Sports Regulations are the official version.
§ 1.2 Gender
These regulations apply equally to both genders. A reference to one gender (e.g. he/she) includes a reference to the other gender (e.g. she).
§ 1.3 Sports season
The sport season of the EPBF starts on January 1st each year and ends on December 31st in that same year. The calendar of events of the NFs is to be adapted to the EPBF Calendar of Events. The EPBF Calendar of Events will be regularly updated. In order to enable all top athletes to participate in the events organized by the EPBF, the NFs are requested to keep such dates free, to avoid collision.
In the case of a forced reschedule of dates by the EPBF for 1 or more events that were published on the website the NF’s are released from the above regulation.
§ 1.4 Sports Equipment
The sports equipment must meet the specifications listed in the Apendex 1, and must be
acknowledged by the SD or the appointed representative.
In the situation where part or all of the equipment has not met the specifications, the athlete has the right to make an official complaint but does not have the right to refuse to participate.
All athletes must use only the equipment mentioned in the WPA Rules of Play.
§ 1.5 Behaviour of the Athlete
All athletes that are participating in events organized by the EPBF/WPA, are bound to follow these rules. The athletes (respectively the TML and coaches at the EC’s) are themselves responsible for abiding by and to be aware of all variants or changes of these regulations. These rules, regulations and any changes will be available during the TML meeting prior the event, respectively the EC. The participation at the TML meeting is normally mandatory.
The athletes, coaches and the TML’s are expected to behave in such a fashion at all times, that is to be expected from a professional, and that in no way can be seen as negative towards the EPBF/WPA, their member federations, their athletes, officials, representatives or sponsors. Based upon this, all athletes are to do their best in order to perform in a way that pays the sport of pool the most respect.
A penalty will be imposed upon any athlete that is violating one or more of these rules, or may be disqualified from participation at events organized and/or sanctioned by the EPBF/WPA, limited in time or boundless. Further information is to can be found in the Fine & Penalty Catalogue.
§ 1.6 Advertising
When competing, it is in general permitted to wear advertising on personal equipment or clothing. The commercial rights rest with the EPBF and may as such be passed on to a local host organizer. An athlete his/her personal advertising is in general permitted, but any corresponding contracts the athlete has are not binding to the EPBF. The EPBF reserves the right to refuse an athlete’s sponsor advertisement at any or all of its events.
Athletes are permitted to wear sponsors logos’ on their outfit. Logo’s must not be bigger than 100mm x 50 mm or circle diameter is 100mm. At the request of the promoter, athletes may be required to wear the logo of the main sponsor in the Semi finals and final.
Athletes are required to give notice of the sponsors that they represent before the event begins. Failure to notify these may result in the refusal of such permission. Athletes are not allowed to advertise any alcohol or tobacco products and/or have any political and/or religious adverts on their dress code.
§ 1.7 EPBF Sports Regulations, Alterations and Amendments
In the case of special circumstances and situations that have not been possible to foresee, the EPBF Sports Director is after consultation with the EPBF Board, allowed to make necessary changes or amendments to these regulations, should this be required for the running of an event.
§ 2. Sport Officials
§ 2.1 Sports / Youth Director
The EPBF Sports/Youth Director is responsible to supervise all sportive matters, create Sports Regulations, Protocols and Schedules of the EC.
§ 2.2 Tournament Leader
The EPBF Tournament Leader is responsible to supervise all sportive matters pertaining to the tournament and the tournament schedule.
§ 2.3 Head Referee
At all events organized by the EPBF, a certified Head Referee (HR) must be appointed. The Head Referee will be approved by the EPBF. The HR is responsible for the duties and supervision of all referees, scorers and other officials and for all questions regarding the rules. The HR is an assistant to the Tournament Leader and is helping with the fulfilling of their tasks.
§ 2.4 Referees
At all events organized by the EPBF, at all times have at least one (1) HR for the tournament. In addition 1 referee for a maximum of 6 tables with substitutes should be present.
The referees are responsible for appointed tables at all times. The athletes will be taking care of the racking themselves, and the winner is responsible for the official match protocol. The official referee will only be asked to perform whenever there is a conflict.
§ 3. Anti-Doping
As part of our membership requirements of the WPA, all EPBF events are conducted under the rules of WADA. The Anti-Doping Rules can be viewed on:
Further Anti-Doping regulations, information and the List of Prohibited Substances can be viewed on the WADA website
Appropriate authorities at any EPBF event may conduct drug testing without prior notice to athletes. Selection of athletes to be tested may be chosen by random, or the ranking order at the end of the discipline. Athletes may also be subjected to out-of-competition testing. Member Federations must make their athletes aware of WADA, its operations and what is required and expected by the athlete.
§ 3.1 Withholding of Prize Money
Any athlete who undergoes a drug test may have their full payment of prize money withheld until the results of the test are known. If the test is negative, the balance of the prize money will be paid immediately.
If a positive result is returned, the athlete will be disqualified from the event, and will forfeit any recognition from the event, and will forfeit all prize money earned during the event. In the case where prize money has been paid, this is to be repaid to the EPBF within 21 days of notice being served. Any athlete who is in breach of a violation will have their prize money withheld until the matter has been resolved and a decision has been reached.
§ 4. Banning of athletes internationally
A NF may ask for an International ban of its athlete. Banning the athlete is a very strong
punishment and therefore each NF should be aware that a proper procedure is important. To fulfill legal requirements in the Netherlands, each NF should have a written document which include:
- Penalty catalogue
- Court of Arbitration
- Procedure explanation
Also, administration wise, it is important that the communication with the athlete in question is filled properly.
For an international ban to be enforced, a NF must submit all relevant documents, which are:
Letter to the athlete informing about the ban. This letter should explain on what grounds the player in question is penalized, by what authority he is being penalized and information how to appeal to this decision (including the address of the COA or instance were to appeal).
- a. Penalty Catalogue
- b. Procedure explanation
- c. Letter / decision of the COA or appealing instance.
- d. All submitted documents must be in English language.
Upon receiving of complete documentation, as explained above, the EPBF Board will study those documents and accept or revoke the international Ban.
§ 5. Code on the prevention of the manipulation of competitions
As part of our membership requirements of the IOC throughout the WCBS/WPA, all EPBF sanctioned events are conducted under the rules of Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions.
The EPBF shall commit to combat all forms of cheating and shall continue to undertake all the necessary measures to ensure the integrity of sports competitions. The IOC Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions can be viewed on
Participants in the EPBF events shall not, by any manner whatsoever, infringe the principle of fair play, show unsporting conduct or attempt to influence the course or result of a competition, or any part thereof, in a manner contrary to sporting ethics.
Appropriate authorities at any EPBF sanctioned event may suspend an athlete where there is a risk to the reputation of the sport, while ensuring respect for Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions.
It is the ultimate responsibility of the athlete to ensure that he abides the Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions.
§ 6. Participation eligibility
Athletes are eligible to participate as a representative of the Nation for which they have a valid citizenship/passport and in which they are a NF member of the EPBF.
An athlete who possesses several nationalities can participate at the EC for a different country only after a three (3) year period has passed since his last.
National Associations who have outstanding penalty fees will have to pay their penalties before participation in the EPBF events. This includes all EC’s, Euro-Tours and Sanctioned events.
§ 6.1 Youth European Championships
Youth athletes, who have the citizenship of a European country, but who have had their main residence in another European country for a minimum of two years, may either start for that country of which their citizenship is or for the country in which they have their main residence; this decision is binding on all future Youth EC’s.
Youth athletes, who are non-European citizens but have had their main residence in a European country for a minimum of two years, are only allowed to participate in the Youth EC for that country of residence, if the official evidence that the athlete has applied for citizenship in this country of residence are supplied to the EPBF at the time of announcement to the event.
§ 7. Penalty Code and Protest Guidelines
§ 7.1 Rules of Conduct
The positive image of the EPBF and its events is a valuable asset and is bringing advantages for all athletes and members of the EPBF. Based upon this, it is the duty of each single individual to refrain from unnecessary attacks on sponsors, other athletes, or the EPBF whenever addressing representatives of the media. Responsible explanations of legitimate and unsatisfying conditions are not forbidden, however it should not be made in such a fashion that may cause harm to the EPBF, the financial interests of a sponsor, or the overall image of the sport.
Any athlete who is disqualified from an event will forfeit any points awarded and all prize money, which will be held at the EPBF Treasury. Offenses and penalties are listed in paragraph 7.8 of the Sports regulations.
§ 7.2 Imposing of a Penalty
Action is taken against all violations of the rules of conduct as soon as they have been detected. The EPBF is to be informed immediately when an athlete in an event is being offered money or presents. Athletes participating in an event are not allowed to enter into any betting with regards to the outcome of it.
§ 7.3 The right to protest a decision by the referee
All athletes have the right to protest against a decision made by a referee. Other special directives are to be found in the rules of the various disciplines. A protest is to be handed in immediately following the debated situation and definitely before the next shot has been executed.
The referee must suspend the match immediately and inform that they will contact the HR for a decision. The athlete has the right to protest against the decision of the HR in which case the tournament leader must be informed about the situation. The TL may following the report by the HR decide to also ask for the opinion of one or both athletes.
The protest against a decision formed by a HR is to be delivered verbally to the TL, who after having heard both parties will form a decision.
The TL has the right to penalize an athlete during a match, even if the presiding referee has not seen or reacted to this.
§ 7.4 The right to protest a decision made by the Tournament Leader
A protest against a decision formed by the TL must be in writing and accompanied by a protest fee of EUR 50.00, which is to be delivered immediately and in cash to the EPBF Sports Director. While this protest is being handled the match remains suspended.
Should the protest be approved and the decision by the TL be revoked, the fee will be paid back to the protesting athlete. Should the protest be rejected the fee will be passed on to the EPBF treasury and the decision stands.
§ 7.5 Lodging of a Protest
When required, if a protest fee is not accompanying the protest, the protest will not be accepted.
§ 7.6 The right to protest the decision made by a SD
Should during the EC’s a protest against a decision by the TL, the final decision will be made by the EPBF SD or, should he/she not be present, by the official representative of the EPBF. Against the final decision there is no recourse and the questioned match has to continue as decided.
On receiving a penalty for offenses between matches, after matches or during the event, the athlete in question has a right to submit an application to the Board within 14 days after receiving the penalty.
§ 7.7 The right to protest the decision made by The Board
The athlete has the right to appeal any decision made by the EPBF board or its officers through the court of arbitration. The court of arbitration must be informed within two weeks of receipt of a decision that is in dispute by the athlete. The information and contact details are on the website.
§ 7.8 Fine & Penalty Catalogue
Infraction | 1st Abuse | 2nd Abuse | Decision |
Failure to turn on a match | Fine up to € 150,00 | Disqualification | Tournament Leader |
Alcohol taking | Disqualification from the match Fine up to: € 250,00 | Disqualification from the event Fine up to: € 500,00 | Tournament Leader |
Drug taking | Disqualification from the event Fine up to: € 500,00 | Tournament Leader | |
Forfeiture during an event or conceding during a match without valid reason | Fine up to € 200,00 | Fine up to € 300,00 | Tournament Leader |
Inappropriate dress code | Up to disqualification | Disqualification Fine up to € 200,00 | Tournament Leader |
Unsportsmanlike behaviour | up to Disqualification from the event Fine up to € 1.000,00 | Disqualification from the event Fine up to €2.000,00 | Tournament Leader |
Athlete insulting referee or tournament official | Fine up to € 500,00 up to Disqualification from the event | Fine up to € 1.000,00 Up to suspension | EPBF Sports Director |
Arriving too late for award ceremony | Fine up to € 50,00 | Fine up to € 50,00 | Tournament Leader |
Denouncing participation when the EC has started | Fine up to € 150,00 | EPBF Sports Director | |
Involvement in match fixing for the purpose of gambling | Loss of all ranking points and suspension up to 2 years. Fine up to € 2.000,00 | Board decision | EPBF Sports Director |
Alcohol or drug taking during the Youth EC and participating in any form of gambling | up to Disqualification from the event | Disqualification from the event | EPBF Sports Director |
Smoking during the Youth EC | Fine up to € 500,00 up to Disqualification from the event | Disqualification from the event | EPBF Sports Director |
Athlete bringing the EPBF into disrepute | Fine up to € 500,00 up to Disqualification from the event | Fine up to € 1.000,00 Up to suspension | EPBF Sports Director |
Official bringing the EPBF into disrepute | Fine up to € 500,00 Up to suspension | Fine up to € 500,00 Suspension | EPBF Board |
Participating in a non-sanctioned event | Fine up to € 2.000,00 | Board decision | EPBF Board |
Doping violation based upon WADA (IOC) guidelines | Disqualification | Disqualification | EPBF Board |
Abuse of the sport via public forums, electronic media or other means | Penalty to be determined at the time of the offense | Board decision | EPBF Board |
Organizer failing to meet the requirements of the Specification Catalogue | Fine up to € 500,00 | Fine up to €2.000,00 | EPBF Board |
Any of the above infractions following EC victory | Forfeit from participation at the next WCF Fine up to € 2.000,00 Up to Suspension | Board decision | EPBF Board |
Infraction | 1st Abuse | 2nd Abuse | Decision |
§ 8. European Championships
§ 8.1 Authority for organization
Applications for the hosting of an European Championships (EC) can be submitted by:
- National Federations (NF)
- Regional federations with NF approval
- Third parties
- The EPBF together with its partner IBPF will undertake all negotiations with such requests.
§ 8.2 Cancellation of an EC through the EPBF
Should any EC organized, not meet the six (6) nation criteria in that year, this shall be suspended for a two (2) year period. This is valid for all divisions and/or disciplines at all EC`s, i.e.; men, women, seniors, ladies, U23, U19, U17, girls, wheelchair drivers. The divisions and/or disciplines can be reinstated when it is deemed that six (6) or more nations will participate.
§ 8.3 Classification
§ 8.3.1 Date and duration
The EPBF board is responsible for the fixing of dates for the EC events. Such dates should be fixed for two years ahead.
Classification and duration of the events organized by the EPBF / IBPF
- EC for Men and Women and Wheelchairs: up to 11 playing days
- EC for Youth: up to 8 playing days
- EC for Seniors and Ladies: up to 8 playing days
§ 8.3.2 Disciplines and divisions
At all of the EC’s, the disciplines 8-ball, 9-ball, 14-1 and 10-ball will be played, on 9-foot tables and with alternate break in 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball.
The divisions Women, Men, Wheelchairs, Seniors, Ladies, U23, U19, U17 and Girls will be played. In all divisions except U23, Girls and Ladies, also a team competition will be organized, in which one match in the disciplines of 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball will be played.
§ 8.4 Announcement procedure
- Receiving of wish-lists from the EPBF if possible – 4 months ahead
- Returning of wish-lists to the EPBF if possible – 3 months ahead
- Distribution of quotas/invoices from the EPBF – 2 months ahead
- Announcement of athletes by name to the EPBF – 6 weeks ahead
§ 8.4.1 Wish list and name announcement form
Four months prior to the EC, if possible, the EPBF will request the NFs to submit a list of the spots they would like to have (distribution of the wish-lists). One month prior to the EC, if possible, the NFs must announce the names of their athletes according to the quota that has been decided by the EPBF (including four reserves each and those who are directly qualified from last year) in writing. The allocations will be awarded the day after the deadline for submitting of wish-lists.
§ 8.5 Quotas, Claims for spots
Each nation has fixed spots:

§ 8.5.1 Remaining spots
The remaining spots will be awarded according to the wish list and taking into account the previous year’s results (rankings) beginning with 1st place. A maximum of 5 spots per division is allowed, not including wild cards or defending champion.
If at the last minute some spots become available, then these can be filled continuing from the above. In this case the nations who wished for spots and were denied, take priority. However many spots are available, it is not to exceed the maximum number of spot allowed per nation.
§ 8.5.2 Exception for the Youth
The spots will be awarded according to the wish lists of all nations, if there are further free spots, it is permitted that free spots will be awarded to nations according to the maximum.
§ 8.5.3 Wild Cards
The Right for wild cards goes to:
- The EPBF In all single disciplines two (2) wild cards
- The organizer In all single disciplines one (1) wild card
- Defending Champion In all single disciplines, this spot is not transferable
§ 8.5.4 EPBF Wildcards
The EPBF board does have the right to allocate two (2) wild cards in all single disciplines at an EC.
The EPBF board will only allocate wild cards if there is a valid reason for it, like sponsor wild cards or wild cards for exceptional situations. After the EPBF board did make a decision about these wild cards the respective National federation of the athlete who did receive a wild card will be asked if there is a valid reason to ask the EPBF board not to allocate this wild card to the respective athlete. Under valid reasons comes for instance, (a) athlete is banned or (b) athlete is involved in an anti doping issue etc.
At all situations the EPBF board have the right and will decide themselves whether a wild card will be allocated or not.
§ 8.6 Entry fee
In the categories (Women Men, Seniors, Ladies, U23 and Wheelchair) an entry fee of € 110.00 per athlete/per discipline will have to be paid. The entry fee in categories U19, U17 and Girls is € 55.00 per athlete/per discipline. The entry fee for team events in the categories U17, U19, Girls, Seniors and Ladies is € 110.00 per team.
The entry fee for the team events in Women and Men categories will be determined before each EC: all entry fee will go into the prize fund for these both events.
All entry fees for the announced athletes at the EC must be transferred to the EPBF account no later than two weeks prior to the EC. The payment can also, based upon prior agreement with the EPBF, be paid in cash and in Euro currency only during the accreditation. If payment has not been made ahead of time, and also is not taken care of during the accreditation, the whole team will not be given permission to enter the event.
§ 8.7 Late cancellation Policy at the EC
Eventual last minute cancellations are possible, with following fees
- a) All cancellations for medical reasons backed with a proper doctors certificate will be accepted. Full refund of spots and hotel costs (if the hotel doesn’t take a fee for the cancellation which I don’t know yet).
- b) Cancellations for Family reasons will be accepted this with a full refund of Spots and Hotel costs (if the hotel doesn’t take a fee for the cancellation) Any athlete who cancels for family reasons will receive a invoice for administration fee of 100 €.
- c) All other cancellations will be addressed to the Board at the next Board meeting. Any athlete who cancels for other reasons will receive a invoice for administration fee of 250 €.
§ 8.8. Hotels and Accommodation
Bookings and hotel obligations will be available prior to the event with the invitation. Hotels provided by the organizer must be used (where applicable) otherwise entry to the tournament is invalid.
§ 8.9 Age limits
For the EC the following age limits are valid:
U23 – An athlete must have their 19th to 22nd birthday in the EC year
U19 – An athlete must have their 17th or 18th birthday in the EC year
U17 – An athlete must have no more than their 16th birthday in the EC year
Girls – An athlete must have no more than their 18th birthday in the EC year
Men/Women – An athlete must have their 15th birthday in the EC year
Youth athletes are allowed to participate only in their own age group at the Youth EC and on U23 Championships.
Youth athletes are in one and the same year allowed to participate both at the Youth EC and the EC for Men and Women. In the year that follows they are again allowed to participate in the Youth EC.
§ 8.9.1 Age limits at the Seniors and Ladies European Championships
From 2015 to 2023 the age group in Seniors division will be moved from the age limit of 40 years old to 45 y.o. in the following order:
- 2020 An athlete must at least have their 43rd birthday in the EC year
- 2021 An athlete must at least have their 44th birthday in the EC year
- 2022 An athlete must at least have their 44th birthday in the EC year
- 2023 An athlete must at least have their 45th birthday in the EC year
§ 8.10 Scheduling of Matches, Fields and Races
The scheduling of the matches will have to be made according to a model provided by the EPBF, and which will display all of the matches including the final. All European Championship events are started as a double elimination format, and will be turned into a single elimination format at a certain stage according to the following criteria:
Men; Seniors
• 96-128 participants – Single elimination from last 64
• Up to 95 participants – Single elimination from last 32
Women, U23 ,U19, U17, Men, Seniors
• 48-64 participants – Single elimination from last 32
• Up to 47 participants – Single elimination from last 16
Girls, Ladies, Wheelchair drivers
• 17-32 participants – Single elimination from last 8
• Up to 16 participants – Single elimination from last 4
Teams: Men, Women, U19, U17, Seniors, Ladies, Girls
• 17-32 participants – Single elimination from last 16
• Up to 16 participants – Single elimination from last 8
• Up to 8 participants – Single elimination from last 4
§ 8.10.1 Fields
Division | 8-ball | 9-ball | 14-1 | 10-ball | Teams |
Men | 128 | 128 | 96 | 128 | 32 |
Women | 64 | 64 | 48 | 64 | 24 |
Seniors | 96 | 96 | 96 | 96 | 16 |
U17 | 64 | 64 | 32 | 48 | 16 |
U19 | 64 | 64 | 48 | 48 | 16 |
U23 | 64 | 64 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Girls | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 0 |
Ladies | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 16 |
Wheelchair drive | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 0 |
§ 8.10.2 Races
Division | 8-ball | 9-ball | 14-1 | 10-ball | ||||
DKO | QF/SF | DKO | QF/SF | DKO | QF/SF | DKO | QF/SF | |
Men | 8 | 9 | 100 | 125 | 8 | |||
Women | 6 | 7 | 75 | 6 | ||||
Seniors | 7 | 8 | 75 | N | 7 | |||
U17 | 6 | 7 | 75 | 6 | ||||
U19 | 7 | 8 | 100 | 7 | ||||
U23 | 8 | 9 | – | – | ||||
Girls | 5 | 6 | – | 5 | ||||
Ladies | 5 | 6 | – | 5 | ||||
Wheelchair driver | 5 | 7 | – | 5 | N |
§ 8.11 Seeding / Draw
The draw for all European Championships will be done under the supervision and authority of the EPBF Tournament Leader or his appointed representative.
In all European Championships the athletes placed:
• 1 to 8 – with single elimination for 64 or higher
• 1 to 4 – with single elimination for 32 or lower
from the previous year will be seeded.
Should one of the seeded athletes not participate, the remaining three athletes to be seeded will then be positioned as 1 through 8 (or 1 through 4). No other athletes are brought forward to replace a non-participating seeded athlete.
The bronze medalist with the better average is seeded 3rd and averages also separate 5th to 8th. In the team competition, 3rd seed will go to the team who lost against the European Champions. Walkovers will be distributed in the flowchart wherever applicable before the draw of that particular discipline.
Before the SE format starts, the qualified athletes from the loser’s bracket will be drawn against the athletes that are still in the winner’s bracket. When performing this draw, an athlete that lost his/her match in the last round of the winner’s bracket cannot be drawn against the same opponent again in the first round of the single elimination format.
The official EPBF representative will fill in the flowchart with seeded athletes, walkovers and perform the draw. Not later than 15 minutes before the actual draw, all athletes must be made aware of this via microphone. The draw for the very first discipline to be played at the European Championships will be made during the team leader meeting at the end of the accreditation time. All the other draws will be performed after the accreditation with due notice given.
§ 8.12 Replacement of the athlete
Following the draw an athlete can only then be replaced, should he/she turn ill. Such replacement is only allowed to take place before the first round of the event, and the right to announce a substitute will first be given to the concerned NF.
Should the concerned NF not make use of this possibility, the SD will, based on upon the ranking list from last EC, give this spot to the nation next on the list for free spots.
In the case that all spots from the ranking list from last year before are considered, the SD draws all free spots between the nations which provide a move up. Only accredited athletes can be considered.
§ 8.13 Final result, Ranking lists and Criteria
The ranking list will be based upon the format. Should two or more athletes lose in the same round, their quota will be used in order to determine their final ranking, and i.e. all won matches will be divided with all lost matches. The athlete with the highest result (quota) will be placed first.
In 14.1 the higher general average (all pocketed balls divided with the amount of innings used, including safety shots) will decide. A walkover will be evaluated as a victory with a secondary evaluation of 0:0.
§ 8.14 Accreditation & Late Arrival
The accreditation time is the arrival time that athletes should announce or be announced, after the accreditation time has elapsed; non-accredited athletes will not be permitted to participate. Accreditation time is supplied with the invitation & is available via the official website.
The EPBF may allow for late arrival based upon special circumstances. Applications in writing must be submitted to the EPBF representative & general secretary before the end of the official accreditation time. In emergencies, a phone call is acceptable before the accreditation ends. The EPBF representative will decide if such an application is to be seen as within reason and allow a delayed entry.
The TML announced through the NF will be responsible for the accreditation. All athletes are to be accredited by means of their valid passports/identity card.
At the Youth EC, each team must have an appointed TML who cannot be an athlete.
Eventual free spots can, following the end of the official accreditation time be allocated to eligible and interested athletes at the same entry fee rate, but only if they can submit an acceptance from their NF to participate at the EC.
§ 8.15 Award Ceremony
The medalists must attend the award ceremony at the scheduled time and in the official dress code. A penalty will be imposed, according to the Fine & Penalty Catalogue if these rules are violated.
§ 8.16 Team Competitions
The team must consist of athletes who are announced for at least 2 individual disciplines each.
§ 8.16.1 Youth, Men and Senior Team
Male team consists minimum of three (3) and maximum of five (5) athletes. The disciplines played in the team competition are 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball.
Male team match consists of 3 individual matches that are to be played by 3 different athletes for each team. It is possible for a team to participate with only two athletes and in such a case; the third match will be forfeited. In the team competition, the races that are valid for individual competitions double knock-out will be used.
As soon as a team has won two from the three individual matches, the match is deemed to be completed and the on-going third match will be stopped. Whoever is leading when such a match is stopped, will be deemed to have won this match. Should such match be tied, the winning team will be appointed with a win of tied match.
A male wheelchair athlete can be nominated in the men’s team. A lady can represent the team in the seniors division. In a U19 and or U17 team, a girl from the proper age group can be entered.
A Nation sending athletes in the under U17 division can only register an U17 athlete to participate in the U19 team event if there are only 2 athletes or 4 or more in the U17 present. 3 athletes in U17 division present at the EC can’t be sacrificed in the U17 teams to represent the U19 teams.
§ 8.16.2 Women Team, Girls and Ladies
Female team consist of 2 (two) athletes and a maximum of four (4). The disciplines played in the team competition are 8-ball and 9-ball.
Female team consists of 2 individual matches that are to be played by 2 different athletes for each team. If the match results in a tie, a shoot-out will be played according to following rules:
Both athletes in each team have three (3) attempts to shoot the 8-ball (8-ball on the foot spot and cue ball on the head spot). The team with the most pocketed balls wins the shoot-out.
If the match remains a tie then each athlete from each team will have one (1) shot each to determine the winner. This is repeated until a result has been reached, either 1-0,2-0 or 2-1.
A female wheelchair athlete can be nominated in the women’s team.
§ 8.17. Euro tour
The rules and regulations of the Eurotour are made by the IBPF in each season and are approved by the EPBF. Rules and regulations of the Eurotour are posted on the EPBF and Eurotour website.
§ 9. Guidelines for Sports Activities at the European Championships
§ 9.1 Penalty System
At the European Championships the following Penalty System will be in place.

§ 9.1.1 Green Card
Green Card Penalties are warnings for misbehavior. Each Athlete may have up to 2 (two) Green cards before the penalty.
Green card penalties are given for:
- Taking Time Out without informing referee or pressing correct button.
- Using mobile phone during Time Out
- Electronic device warning
- Touching balls after a referee
- Misuse of equipment
- Pattern racking
§ 9.1.2 Yellow Card
Yellow card means one rack to the opponent (15 points in Straight Pool) (current and/or next).
Yellow card penalties are given for:
- Late return from the Time Out
- Practicing during the Time Out
- Smoking using of snus or snuf or electronic cigarette or drinking alcohol during Time Out
- Electronic device ringing during a match
- Any other unsportsmanlike conduct of more serious offense
§ 9.1.3 Red Card
Red card means loss of match for the offending player.
Red card penalties are given for:
- Destroying equipment for tournament or in the venue/hotel
- Any other unsportsmanlike conduct of very serious offense
§ 9.1.4 Black Card
Black card means loss of match for the offending player.
Black card penalties are given for:
- Destroying equipment for tournament or in the venue/hotel
- Alcohol taking or smoking during EC for youth divisions
- Unsportsmanlike conduct towards officials, players or guests
- Serious unsportsmanlike conduct
§ 9.2 Dress Code
The playing uniform must meet the level of the competition and be clean, proper and in good condition.
National emblem:
On the polo shirt, an emblem in the form of the national banner, or the official emblem of the nation or the name of the nation must be displayed.
Shirts can be of any design providing it has a collar, short sleeve or long sleeve and any colour. Extra clothing if the area is cool can be worn on top of the shirt in the form of a jumper/sweater or a National Federation tracksuit top but none of these are permitted with a hood attached. It is also allowed to wear undershirt as long as it is matching the shirt. Shirts must be tucked inside trousers and must be long enough that when stretching over the table, no body skin should be visible. For Women, shirts can be outside trousers, but no body skin should be visible.
It is not allowed to wear: T-shirts.
Black Dress trousers that are clean and in good condition are to be used. Trousers must cover entire backside and must fit around waist and a belt should be worn, NO half trousers regardless of the design. For women, also a black skirt or divided skirt is allowed.
It is not allowed to wear trousers with: studs/chains, side pockets, below the thigh of the leg, jeans and denim/blue jeans or corduroy material, which have been fashioned in a“jeans style”.
Shoes can either be dress shoes or sports shoes. Dress shoes can be of any colour and must be made of leather. Sports shoes must be of a Dark colour and made of leather or leather-like material.
It is not allowed to wear: Sneakers, sandals.
No headgear, or headphones other than on recognized grounds with written medical reasons from a qualified doctor, shall be worn without the prior permission of the SD following a written application from the athlete.
Team events:
In the team events, all athletes of one and the same team must wear their shirts which are identical both with colour and design.
Whenever questioned, the TL will decide if participation will be allowed. If an athlete is unsure about the legality of dress code, the athlete should approach the TL before the match and ask whether the dress code is legal. In exceptional circumstances, the TL may permit an athlete to compete in violation of the dress code.
In all EPBF Events the Dress Code of any participating athlete shall be subject to the TL’s approval. Any unacceptable Dress Code must be changed before that Athlete can participate in any introductions, match play, interviews, or presentations.
Any Athlete refusing to meet with requirements in respect of the Dress Code shall be liable to forfeit that respective match and or be penalized for dress code violation as described in paragraph 7.8.
§ 9.3 Coaching
It is permitted for an athlete to receive advice from a coach during a time out. It is up to the referee and tournament management to set additional limits on this. The coach should not approach the table. If the referee decides that the coach is interfering with or disrupting the match, he may direct the coach to stay away from the match.
§ 9.4 Tapping of Tables
At all European Championships for the racking, it is allowed to use: triangles, tapping template or rack template, with apex ball on the spot for 8-ball, Straight pool and 10-ball and with 9-ball on the spot for 9–ball. Athletes must never tap balls; only tournament officials should tap or re-tap (if needed) the racking area.
§ 9.5 Time limit
In order to better control the schedule of an event, each match can be given a certain time limit. A shot clock can be implemented at any time. The decision lies with the discretion of the tournament leader.
After enforcing the shot clock, the time for each shot (with the exemption of the second shot after racking, see below) is 35 seconds, with a warning after 25 seconds. Each athlete will be allowed one 25-second extension during each rack.
The time for the second shot after the racking of the balls will be 60 seconds with a warning after 50 seconds and no option for extension.
The second shot after racking means the shot immediately following the break shot in 8, 9 and 10-ball. In 14.1 this is the first shot after the opening shot without a breaking violation and each second shot after re-racking the pocketed balls.
The shot clock will be started when all balls come to rest, including spinning balls and (when
applicable) the cue-ball is available to the player. The shot clock will end when the cue tip strikes the cue ball to initiate a stroke or the when athlete’s time expires from the shot clock. If an athlete runs out of time, it will be a standard foul.
§ 9.6 Walkover
Athletes must be in the venue 30 minutes prior to the scheduled match time ready to play.
If an athlete is late for his appointed match the following procedure will be enforced:
- after 5 minutes: First call on the microphone and one rack (8, 9 and 10-ball) or 15 points (14.1) to the opponent;
- after 10 minutes: Second call and one rack or 15 points to the opponent; – after 14 minutes: Final „one minute“ warning call and one rack or 15 points to the opponent;
- after 15 minutes: Loss of match by forfeit.
Should this happen in the winner’s bracket of a DKO system, he will be placed in the loser’s bracket. Otherwise such an athlete is disqualified.
Should both athletes in one and the same match in the winner’s bracket arrive too late, both athletes will be disqualified since both of them cannot use the one and only existing spot in the loser’s bracket
§ 9.7 Use of mobile phones
Active athletes are not allowed to use of mobile phones during the match, including time out. Mobile phones must be turned off or in silent mode and may not lie on the table or in any other visible spot. In situations where an athlete has already been asked once to put away mobile phone, second violation will be considered as unsportsmanlike conduct .
Penalties for such violations are as follows:
- 8, 9 and 10-ball: play will be suspended, one rack will be awarded to the opponent and the active athlete will start/continue his/her inning. (Yellow card)
- 14/1: 15 points are awarded to the opponent and the offending athlete has to perform the opening shot. (Yellow card)
- Should an athlete violate this rule a second time, the athlete will be disqualified from the discipline and/or event. (Red Card)
The same rule will be used for misuse of the equipment (i.e. towels at the table).
§ 9.8. Rack Template Regulations
§ 9.8.1 Rack Template Usage
Rack Template can be used for the disciplines: 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball. In 14/1 it´s not allowed to use the Rack Template.
§ 9.8.2 Positioning of the Rack Template
The table must be marked before the tournament has started. A Vertical line must be drawn for the positioning of the Rack Template. This line must be long enough to pass through the top and bottom holes on the magic ball rack.
§ 9.8.3 Removing of the Rack Template
After the break, the Rack Template must be removed by the referee from the table as soon as possible without disturbing any of the balls. If a referee is not present and there are balls obstructing the removal of the Rack Template, the opponent must be the one to remove the Rack Template. If there are no obstructions, the athlete at the table may remove the Rack Template without the opponent interfering.
With or without a referee present, the Rack Template can only be removed if not more than 2 balls are an obstruction in its removal. Exception to this rule applies if 1 or more balls are frozen and obstructing the removal, in this case the magic ball rack stays in place until such time that the frozen balls are no longer an obstacle in the removal of the Rack Template.
With the removal of the Rack Template, the referee or opponent may use markers in the form of ball markers or chalk blocks which are at their disposal to mark the obstructing balls. The Rack Template must be placed in its required spot away from the playing area including the rails and the balls placed back into their original position.
§ 9.8.4 Fouls involving the Rack Template
Once the Rack Template is removed from the playing surface, it cannot interfere with the game i.e. It will be considered a foul shot if the template is lying on the rail and a ball (Cue or object ball touches the template that is lying on the rail)
§ 9.9 Time-Out Regulation
One (1) time-out for each athlete is allowed per match, the length of the time-out is five (5) minutes. Athletes are allowed to take the time out only after informing the referee (in 14.1) and make sure the referee marks the table for suspended play. In disciplines 8-ball, 10-ball and 9-ball players must mark the table at the computer themselves.
The time out at 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball can be taken between racks, when play is suspended; the athlete can use his right for a time-out only before any break shot is executed. The Time out opponent must remain seated as during normal play, if he decides to use his time-out in the same time no further time out will be allowed.
In 14.1, the time out begins between racks; and the athlete at the table may continue his inning should the opponent decide to take his time out. If the non-shooter takes a time out, he must make sure there is a referee to supervise the table during his absence; otherwise he has no right to protest against any misplay by the athlete at the table.
The athlete taking the time out should remember that his actions must be within the spirit of the game and if he acts otherwise, he is subject to a penalty under the Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
Reasons for an imposed penalty are: taking time out other than in between the racks, smoking, using snuff or electronic cigarette or drinking alcohol during the time-out and late return after a time-out, practice or using mobile phone and similar devices during time out.
Penalties for such violations are as follows:
- In 14.1 – fifteen (15) points are awarded to the opponent and the offending athlete has to perform the opening shot. (Yellow card)
- In 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball, a game/frame (current and/or next) is awarded to the opponent and the active athlete will start/continue his/her inning. (Yellow card)
- Should an athlete violate this rule a second time, the athlete will be disqualified from the discipline and/or event. (Red card)
§ 9.10 Unsportsmanlike Conduct
The rules and regulations give the referee and other officials’ considerable latitude in penalizing unsportsmanlike conduct.
Several factors should be considered in such decisions, including previous conduct, previous warnings, how serious the offense is, and information that the athletes may have been given at the Team leaders Meeting at the start of the tournament.
§ 9.11 Three point rule
In order to avoid that athletes are using so-called “soft-breaks” that would allow increased control over breaks and allow advantages beyond what was foreseen when the 9-Ball discipline was introduced, the EPBF has decided to introduce special break rules. The following rules are to be seen as an addition to the WPA 9-Ball rules that otherwise are valid in all EPBF events (excluded from this rule: Wheelchair athletes)
§ 9.11.1 Additional demands for a satisfactory break:
At least three (3) object balls must either be pocketed or touch (see special notes below) the head string as a result of a break in order for it to be satisfactory. Any combination of the above (i.e. 1 object ball pocketed and 2 object balls touching the head string, or 2 object balls pocketed and 1 object ball touching the head string) is also satisfactory.
§ 9.11.2 Failure to meet additional conditions:
If an athlete fails to fulfill the additional demands, but is otherwise performing a legal break, the break is considered non-satisfactory and the following rules are to be followed:
- If the 9-ball has been pocketed it shall be re-spotted before play is continued.
- The opponent may choose either to accept the table as it is, or hand it back to the athlete that performed the break.
- In case the opponent accepts the table as it is, he/she will not be allowed to perform a push-out.
- If the table is handed back to the athlete that performed the break, he/she is allowed to perform a push-out. If a push-out is being played the opponent has the option to accept the table as it is, or again hand the table back.
Special notes:
- A. The WPA rules for 9-Ball are to be considered at all times, and the special 9-Ball break rules as described in the above are additions to these rules, valid for a tournament only when especially introduced.
- B. Whenever a break is legal according to the WPA rules, and the above additional demands for a satisfactory break (if in use) has been met, the athlete at the table is allowed to perform a push-out.
- C. In order to meet the additional demands for a satisfactory break, object ball(s) must not cross the head string. It is enough if any part of an object ball, as seen from above, is breaking the head string.
§ 9.12 Random 9-ball and 10-ball rack
The rack in 10-ball and 9-ball should be built randomly, with exception of the 1-ball, which should always be on top and the 9-ball/10-ball, that is to be put in the centre of the rack. It is not allowed to routinely put specific balls in a specific location. Both players agreeing on this is irrelevant.
§ 9.13 Additional rules
The EPBF Sports Director and Youth director have the option to make necessary additional regulations prior to the event. Additional changes must be sent out to the nations together with the invitation, two (2) months prior to the event.